Challenges with Climate Change
Migration has never been easy. The idea of leaving your home is rarely a comfortable thought, even when you are fleeing for your life. You would much rather have the troubles plaguing you leave, over having to leave, yourself. But sometimes, leaving is unavoidable. Extreme climate change is one contributing factor to this unavoidable relocation. The map above shows how drastically the Earth's climate has changed in the last 140 years; the change is especially noticeable in the last 50 years. Some efforts are being taken to limit further change, though scientists believe that a full reversal of the climate change is impossible. The United Nations has drawn up an agreement to recognize that climate change migration is real, an issue, and needs to be taken care of. The 2015 Paris Agreement is a step in the direction of limiting further climate change; while the United States is the only country to pull out of the Paris Agreement, there are several states committed to maint...